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The coP Network

What Are The Benefits?

Common Voice 

  • Through participation in the Community of Practice (CoP) Network, CAHs will have a common and formalized voice to advance rural health as well as the mutual interests of CAHs 

Knowledge Sharing

  • The Network serves as a platform for sharing best-practices among hospitals; there is value to learning about what worked or did not work in other hospitals 


  • The Network allows for CAH leaders to collaborate on issues of mutual interest

Capacity Building and Growth

  • Network participants can improve their internal capacities and set themselves for positive growth through the knowledge gained from Network participation, and the opportunities for collaboration and resource sharing 

What Is The Network About?

What Does It Entail?

What Are the Benefits?

How Do We Sign Up?

FLEX Technical Assistance Team

Center for Public Health Practice and Research

Jiann-Ping Hsu College of Public Health

Georgia Southern University

Statesboro, Georgia





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